Dan Baines

Fairy Rings and Monstrous Things

Return to The Mystic Menagerie - Covid-19 Conspiracies Special


The end of the world is nigh! Freddie and Dan have unlocked the gates to The Mystic Menagerie Mansion and dusted off their recording equipment once again after a four year break.

In this episode we discuss some of the crazy 'Kung Flu' conspiracies that are currently circulating. Was it all planned and orchestrated by the UK Government? Could it be Aliens? Could is finally be time to prepare for a Mad Max style dystopian future? All this and more in our new one hour 'bite sized' show, a perfect way to kill 60 minutes of isolation

The Mystic Menagerie Magazine Collection is now also available for free during the Covid-19 pandemic!

© Dan Baines 2016